Paying for College and Vocational Training
Financial aid is money that helps pay for college. Some aid is based on financial need, your income, your family's include and some aid is based on merit, such as athletic or artistic ability. There are four types of aid:
Need help with your financial aid applications? Looking for scholarships? Visit the Career Center at any JUSD high school. We're here to help!
All seniors who are legal residents/citizens of the United States should complete the FAFSA application. This application is how students can get money from the US government to help pay for tuition, books, housing, transportation, etc. The application filing period for the
FAFSA opens on October 1 and needs to be completed by March 2 of the senior year. Completing the FAFSA can be a challenge; that's why each high school schedules time during the school day for students to work on this application. Career Center staff is available at lunch or after school to work with students. Prior to working on the FAFSA, students should log onto
FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid to obtain their FAFSA ID (used to confirm your identity when accessing your financial aid information and this also serves as your electronic signature for the FAFSA).
JUSD students apply for the FAFSA by starting at
This program allows undocumented students who will enroll in eligible California colleges, universities or vocational programs to apply for state financial aid. For more information, visit
The Cal Grant is money to pay for college or vocational training that you do not need to pay back. Your eligibility is based on information from your FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application, your verified Cal Grant GPA (submitted by your high school) and the type of California colleges listed on your FAFSA or CA Dream Act. For more information, visit

The California Community Colleges Board of Governor's (BOG) Fee Waiver removes the cost of enrollment fees for low-income students attending one of California's Community Colleges. Students apply for a BOG fee waiver online through www.CCCApply:

The California Middle-Class Scholarship is available to students attending the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU). For more information visit

This program provides grants to eligible current or former foster youth. Visit for more information.